Unique, handcrafted Mosaic Objects
and Art Prints

Maybe you want to buy, or even collect some of our art and special style. Maybe you want to turn your home into a sparkling highlight and enjoy the constant change of an ART that is a life. May it be a reflection of your true colorful nature. Or maybe you have a creative project to share with the world , maybe that is the ,chance we are looking for. Whatever it is, the imagination is the key and can make things possible. Make your dream come true. We are about to spread our colors and reflections now and share our artistic journey in the name of the arts .We take our chance now to show the bigger picture of what we archived and what we have been working on .

A big fondus of arts like wall sculptures ,light sculptures and installations is now selected, translated and presented here and on social media. I finally arrived with working on this page in the computer timeline .All of this has been hidden in our atelier in Nordfriesland for quiet a while now.

The main focus always has been creating time to make art..Now it s time to bring out , what we developed and continue with what we love .Here we reach out to those ,who love what we are doing.

For the first time ever, I unit all that has been created on a webpage ,so we can show what we got and to be prepared for the next level of being professional artists .

It is a challenge and has been quite a process growing up as an artistic souls in this world. We developed a language ,a fingerprint and mark to explain ,who we are and presenting what words would never explain. ,or show .

Thank you for your interest ,support and may the seeds being dropped ,into the right places ,hearts and directions to make the world a more beautiful place and full off light, fulfillment and happiness and may the Art always show a way.